On the occasion of the session of the UN Human Rights Council open-ended intergovernmental working group on transnational corporations (TNCs) and other business enterprises with respect to human rights (OEIGWG), CETIM and the Global Campaign organized a side event:
"People’s Tribunal: Transnational corporations on trial"    Tuesday 24th october 2023, Palais des Nations Unies, Geneva |
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 | Oliveira Soares HOMA Brazil | Â Leticia de Oliveira MAB - Brazil | Hamza Zubiedat PENGON - Palestine | Antonio Salvador ATF-Philippines | Marie Sakala RWA - Zambia
| Ariella Scher CALS - South Africa | |
The side event ‘People's Tribunal: transnational corporations on trial'is inspired by the Permanent Peoples' Tribunal, which is an independent civil society tribunal that applies internationally recognized human rights law and policies to address cases of serious crimes committed to the detriment of peoples and minorities. Its goal is to seek justice in cases in which States and official international legal institutions fail to protect peoples' rights. Similarly, this side-event will reproduce a Peoples' Tribunal methodology for dealing with cases of human rights violations perpetrated by Transnational Corporations, in the light of the historical proposals of the Global Campaign for an effective Binding Treaty and referring to the current contents of the negotiations (Updated Draft Treaty and Third Revised Draft). Hence, the objective of this event is to illustrate how the binding treaty could present legal answers in cases of corporate impunity and human rights violations.
On the one hand, the event will provide the opportunity for the affected people to present their reality and struggles in the UN; on the other hand, through the legal expert ‘sentence' provided at the end, the Global Campaign will present its main concerns about de updated draft.
Finally, this side event will provide an example of what the Global Campaign revendicates as an effective implementation mechanism for the future LBI, which is precisely the creation of an International Tribunal to address crimes and human rights violations committed by TNCs. Â | Panel speakers: Â Leticia de Oliveira Movement of People Affected by Dams, MAB (Brazil)
Hamza Zubiedat PENGON/FOEI (Palestine)
Antonio Salvador SENTRO Labor (Philippines)
Marie Sakala Rural Women's Assembly (Zambia) Â Â Legal expert Ariella Scher CALS (South Africa)
Moderator Andressa Oliveira Soares HOMA (Brazil)