On the occasion of the session of the UN Human Rights Council open-ended intergovernmental working group on transnational corporations (TNCs) and other business enterprises with respect to human rights (OEIGWG), the Global Interparliamentary Network (GIN) organized a side event :
"How can the Binding Treaty support Parliamentary work to defend the Peoples and the Planet against corporate violations?" Â Â Â Monday, october 23rd 2023, Palais des Nations Unies, Geneva |
 | Lilián Galán Uruguay
| Sydney Mushanga Zambia | AlĂrio Uribe Colombia | Helmut Scholz European Parliament
| Sonia Gutierrez Guatemala | Karmen Boscán Colombia
| Miguel Urbán European Parliament | |
Transnational Corporations (TNCs) have grown to wield an influence that rivals, and in cases surpasses, the capacities of entire nations. Parliamentarians, as the representatives of the peoples, quite frequently find themselves in situations where corporations rights and power interfere with their role.  This can manifest in various ways: corporate lobbying (on bills, treaties, and policies), international arbitration tribunals decisions, financing of political campaigns, revolving doors, among others. The reach of TNCs can impede the genuine representation and advocacy of local and national needs, and the protection of human and environmental rights, thereby compromising the foundational principles of the parliamentary work and of the democratic State.  In what instances have TNCs interfered with the parliamentary work in Zambia, Guatemala, Uruguay, Colombia, and Europe?  How would a Binding Treaty support the fulfilment of the parliamentary work at the national level?  What clauses must the Binding Treaty incorporate to support the legitimate exercise of the parliamentary work, to effectively protect local communities from human and environmental rights violations, and to allow for the States and the peoples to reclaim their sovereignty?  These are a few questions addressed by parliamentarians during this side event. | Panel speakers:  MP Lilián Galán Uruguay MP Sydney Mushanga
Zambia MP AlĂrio Uribe
Colombia MEP Helmut Scholz
European Parliament MP Sonia Gutierrez
Guatemala MP Karmen Boscán
Colombia MEP Miguel Urbán
European Parliament  |