On the occasion of the 42th session of the UN Human Rights Council, LANDISLIFE, CONAIE and DOCIP organised a side event on:   " Implementation of indigenous peoples rights in Ecuador" , 19-sept-2019 Palais des Nations Unies, Geneva   |
 | Rémi Orsier
| Blanca Chancosa
| Jaime Vargas CONAIE | Opi Nenquimo Nacionalidad Waorani | Victoria Tauli-Corpuz UN Special Rapporteur
| Open Floor
| Nema Grefa Ushigua Nationalidad Sapara
| Jaime Vargas CONAIE | |
  The event critically reviewed the implementation of indigenous rights following the enactment of the 2008 Constitution which recognized Ecuador as a Plurinational State.    More than a decade later, Ecuador's indigenous peoples are taking stock of the relative fulfilment of their rights to self-determination, territorial integrity and the expression of their prior, free and informed consent in decisions affecting their territories and ways of life, social organizations and cultural production.    Some of the topics that had been discussed are: What are the limits to a Plurinational agenda in Ecuador? What obstacles have been placed in the last decade that impede the transformation of the State?   What advances have been registered, and how can further transformations be promoted through the contribution of the indigenous peoples of Ecuador?    The panelists, men and women indigenous leaders, will draed up an account of their agendas, struggles and social problems, before analyzing the response of the Ecuadorian State to each of these issues.    Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, presented recommendations to the Ecuadorian State on the 18th of September at the Human Rights Council 42 session.    | Panel speakers: Blanca Chancosa
Dirigente histórica del movimiento indÃgena en Ecuador y en el mundo. Ex-presidenta de la ECUARUNARI (Confederación Kichwa del Ecuador)  Jaime Vargas Presidente de la Confederación de Nacionalidades IndÃgenas del Ecuador CONAIE  Opi Nenquimo Vocero del Consejo de la Nacionalidad Waorani de Pastaza. Coordinador del proceso de Mapeo Waorani  Victoria Tauli-Corpuz United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples  Moderator : Rémi Orsier Director of Indigenous Peoples' Center for Documentation, Research and Information - DOCIP   Short 2 min. statements on plenary session: Indigenous Peoples - 21st Meeting, 42nd Regular Session Human Rights Council  Nema Grefa Ushigua Presidente de la Nationalidad Sapara UN Source  Jaime Vargas Presidente de la Confederación de Nacionalidades IndÃgenas del Ecuador CONAIE UN Source