On the occasion of the 34th session of the Universal Periodic Review, CETIM organised a side event on:
"Poverty and human rights violations in Madagascar" Wednesday, 06th november 2019, Palais des Nations Unies, Geneva  |
 | Ă–zden CETIM | Ramanankilana Vie Neuve
| Solonavalona MYA | Open Floor
| |
In Madagascar, 80% of the population lives in rural areas, mainly in livestock, agriculture and fisheries. The island's inhabitants are among the poorest in the world. In Madagascar, 75% of people live on less than two US dollars a day. Â In December 2018, the presidential elections led to a "first peaceful transition of power" and macroeconomic indicators would be encouraging. This leads the "international community" to say that the situation in Madagascar is improving. And yet, as the figures show, poverty persists. Indeed, this apparent peaceful transition hides a continuous deterioration in the human rights situation. This is due in particular to the illegal confiscation of land with the complicity of the police, who kill and destroy entire villages, carry out arbitrary arrests or even collective punishment.
 In addition, the State imposes exorbitant fines to silence any criticism. In this context, what are the prospects for Madagascar?  Which role could play the Universal Periodic Review?  | Panel speakers:
Mrs. Andrianasy Hanitra Bakolinirina Ramanankilana President of the Association Vie Neuve: promotion of human rights Mr. Paolo Emilio Raholinarivo Solonavalona President and Founding Member of the Malagasy Youth Association
for the Protection of Human Rights, Democracy and Republican Values
Moderator: Mr. Melik Ă–zden